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Hey there! 👋 Facilitator Club is THE community for Facilitators or those who want to learn the skill of facilitation, where you can… ✅ Talk about facilitation and workshops (like the Design Sprint!) ✅ Talk about facilitation careers and how to build one (and make $$$ as a Facilitator!) ✅ Share workshop/facilitation insights, experiences, and resources ✅ Ask the AJ&Smart team questions about facilitation & workshops! These documents contain important information about the group rules and getting the most out of this community, so please read through everything before you get started! 👇👇👇 👮‍♀️ Group rules 🚨 💃 How to get the most out of the Facilitator Club community 🕺 P.S. If you’re wondering what AJ&Smart actually does, here’s a post which explains everything: Really happy to have you here, hope you love the community as much as we do! Lots of love, The AJ&Smart team 💛
New comment 3d ago
Do you have a Thought Partner?
Many facilitators are also solopreneurs, which means that when it comes to creating workshops they are working on their own. But, it would be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off or to co-create with. We may ask a friend for thoughts and comments (or post on here), but we don't go into depth due to time constraints. A friend of mine had this problem for a Creative Workshop she was going to run and reached out to me. After some discussion we came to the realization that what she was looking for was a Thought Partner. Take a look at the video we made about this, and then add your comments or thoughts below. And if you would like to explore hiring me as a Thought Partner, reach out 😀
New comment 2h ago
Advertising a free workshop on Linkedin
Hi folks, i'm creating a 45 minute free online workshop that will be advertised on linkedin and was wondering what approach has worked in getting people to sign up, i'm looking to go small batch (<10 seats). Any stories or learnings would be amazing!
New comment 7h ago
B2B design sprints test
Hey everyone, I'm specializing myself in design sprints, and there's a challenge I'm facing now that I'm running a "simulation" to train myself. This challenge being that for B2B projects, I have no idea how the test on the last day could work. Does anyone have a clue or could share some insights? Thank you for your time!
New comment 16h ago
How do you fight procrastination ?
Do you ever procrastinate? 😴 Procrastination, the scourge that prevents us from moving forward and generates stress, but can be effectively combated with simple, concrete facilitation techniques. 1 Set SMART objectives: Specific: precise and concrete. Measurable: quantifiable and assessable. Achievable: realistic and ambitious. Relevant: taking into account your resources and constraints. Time-based: setting a clear deadline. 2 Break tasks down into small steps: Break colossal projects down into more digestible, less daunting steps. 3 Prioritize and organize: Identify essential and urgent tasks, schedule them and stick to your agenda. 4 Eliminate distractions: Isolate yourself in a quiet environment and put your phone on silent mode. 5 Reward your progress: Celebrate each milestone to boost your motivation. 6 Focus on the here and now: Don't get lost in negative thoughts or "what ifs". 7 Forgive failures: Accept setbacks and start again with determination. What are your anti-procrastination tips? 😅
New comment 17h ago
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