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Hey there! 👋 Facilitator Club is THE community for Facilitators or those who want to learn the skill of facilitation, where you can… ✅ Talk about facilitation and workshops (like the Design Sprint!) ✅ Talk about facilitation careers and how to build one (and make $$$ as a Facilitator!) ✅ Share workshop/facilitation insights, experiences, and resources ✅ Ask the AJ&Smart team questions about facilitation & workshops! These documents contain important information about the group rules and getting the most out of this community, so please read through everything before you get started! 👇👇👇 👮‍♀️ Group rules 🚨 💃 How to get the most out of the Facilitator Club community 🕺 P.S. If you’re wondering what AJ&Smart actually does, here’s a post which explains everything: Really happy to have you here, hope you love the community as much as we do! Lots of love, The AJ&Smart team 💛
New comment 3d ago
Advertising a free workshop on Linkedin
Hi folks, i'm creating a 45 minute free online workshop that will be advertised on linkedin and was wondering what approach has worked in getting people to sign up, i'm looking to go small batch (<10 seats). Any stories or learnings would be amazing!
New comment 4h ago
B2B design sprints test
Hey everyone, I'm specializing myself in design sprints, and there's a challenge I'm facing now that I'm running a "simulation" to train myself. This challenge being that for B2B projects, I have no idea how the test on the last day could work. Does anyone have a clue or could share some insights? Thank you for your time!
New comment 12h ago
How do you fight procrastination ?
Do you ever procrastinate? 😴 Procrastination, the scourge that prevents us from moving forward and generates stress, but can be effectively combated with simple, concrete facilitation techniques. 1 Set SMART objectives: Specific: precise and concrete. Measurable: quantifiable and assessable. Achievable: realistic and ambitious. Relevant: taking into account your resources and constraints. Time-based: setting a clear deadline. 2 Break tasks down into small steps: Break colossal projects down into more digestible, less daunting steps. 3 Prioritize and organize: Identify essential and urgent tasks, schedule them and stick to your agenda. 4 Eliminate distractions: Isolate yourself in a quiet environment and put your phone on silent mode. 5 Reward your progress: Celebrate each milestone to boost your motivation. 6 Focus on the here and now: Don't get lost in negative thoughts or "what ifs". 7 Forgive failures: Accept setbacks and start again with determination. What are your anti-procrastination tips? 😅
New comment 13h ago
How to price?
Hello everyone, I've been thinking a lot about what type of services and workshops I want to provide, and one thing I have many doubts about is pricing. I recently listened to Jonathan's podcast where he talks about setting a day rate. That sounds very reasonable, specially considering I've had experience selling by hour of work (for design work) and it was very tricky to forecast how much a project should eventually cost. However, we do know that a 2 hours workshop can take up to a few days of actual work, counting briefing, planing and reporting. Imagine a 1 day or multiple days workshop. How do you price that? By package? As in, for example, a 1 day workshop would be more or less 4 days of work, therefore it would cost (day rate * 4)?
New comment 22h ago
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